My friend Jody over at Peach Blossom Hill gave me this award, my first ever! I'm supposed to pass it on and tell ten things about myself. Here goes:
1. I am more comfortable going in a room full of strangers than people I know. I have no explanation for this.
2. My mother lived with us for the last two years of her life as she battled cancer. She died a year and a half ago and I am just now getting to a place of peacefulness and contentment.
3. When I was 17, on a school trip to the Mediterranean countries I was almost kidnapped into white slavery by a man in Tunisia, North Africa. I guess a herd of screaming 17 year olds was too much for him!
4. I love European history, especially British history and can name every one of King Henry viii's wives.
5. My husband is going to retire in a year from this coming June and I don't know what I will do with him around every day! eek!
6. I was a stay at home mum for my kids. We had to do a lot of budgeting and making do because this economy is not made for single income families. I still stay at home because my hubby likes me to be home when he's finished work for the day. No problem sweetie!
7. I silkscreen pillows and things and I want to start up an Etsy shop but I am scared.
8. I have not had sugar for four weeks and have lost 10 lbs. My mood has been considerably better so that is worth it.
9. I need some alone time everyday. This was a big problem for me when my mother was living with us but I managed some how. My husband knows this about me and he helped me so much with my mum, I don't think many guys would have been as patient with me as he was.
10. I would happily live in England if I could afford it. I've been there twice and love it so much.
I'm sure that's about as much excitement as you can stand for now. When I learn how to do the link thing I will pass this on.
Thanks Jody!