This weekend I:
~ Went to Wendy's for my weekly date with Hubby. (classy!)
~ Bought the chair to match this one from HomeSense. Heavily Discounted!
~ Did laundry.
~ Watched Twister. (again)
~Made my first visit to the new Costco in our area. Sweet.
~ Went to church wearing my jeans.
~ Made strawberry shortcake with home made biscuits.
What did you do this weekend?
I'm sharing this with Becky over at Keys to the cottage .
I love your list. I'll link it up for you if you like. Don't worry about the button. IT is not a big deal. That was just for fun.
More success! Good for you!
I SO glad you were able to get that other chair...and at a discount! I've been worried sick about it.
But I would have pegged you for a Burger King gal!
Hi- I'm visiting from Becky's. Great list. And I did a pile of laundry like that this weekend too. And that strawberry shortcake looks divine!
Wendy's sounds about like the dates DH and I can afford to go on! I did some laundry, too this weekend and I love the movie Twister. My children say there is something deeply disturbed about me--I only like shows and movies where devastating storms occur and/or the coroner has to show up! LOL! You always have the cutest posts--and the chair is lovely!
My weekend should have been filled with laundry washing, but alas it still sits and waits for loving hands and soap (:
I enjoyed the countryside with several drives down lonely country roads. LOVE doing that. Then made a few trips to the park for some sun and fresh air (: Maybe boring for some, but rejuvenating for my spirit (:
Nice chair and that strawberry shortcake looks positively yummy.
I went to a baseball game, watched fireworks from a friend's porch, went to church, did not do laundry, went to a families house for lunch that I didn't know (hubby knew them), and realized why I could never have 8 children.
My weekend in a nutshell. ;-)
Love it!
I herded the children indoors while LJ built me a new porch.
Lumberjack's Wife
I'm scandalized! Jeans to church? ;)
So glad you got the chair for a great deal. Love Wendy's - don't go there very often I'm afraid. I need to have one of those weekly dates with my husband too. Going to steal that idea, ok? Oh and I've never seen Twister - although I have seen the flying cow scene several times.
great list. The cake looks great. We watched twister this week too. I love that movie
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